Wednesday, March 31, 2010

An Intro

Hello World,

I'm new to the whole blogging thing so bare with me, I chose to create a blog just to expose myself. I'm not a singer, rapper, or actress (lol). I write, not just any type of writing I write Poetry.

I fell in love with thee art of poetry when I was around 12yrs old maybe. I read the late great Tupac Shakur's book of poetry and instantly fell in love. I'm very spiritual and take pride in my beliefs so at the time I didn't think of it but now i look back and realize I read that book for a reason it help me realize I had a talent I never knew I had.

After reading I picked up my first pen and pad and afterward the rest was history, I never stopped. I've taken plenty of breaks through out the years just due to personal issues but I am currently at a point in life where I'm older and I have someone very special in my life that supports my every move when it comes to my poetry.

I have big dreams and I'm ready to share with the world this lil gift I've been hiding. I love and adore all of those who read and support so spread the word.